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When done by a qualified plastic surgeon who is trained

The most common thigh lift technique begins with an incision in the groin area.RecoveryPost-operatively, there will be bruising, swelling and soreness in the area.The ProcedureThighplasty is usually performed with general anaesthesia or an epidural. Depending on the type of thigh lift and the area being treated, the incision pattern will vary.Disclaimer: Always check with a specialist before going ahead with this procedure. Hundreds of thigh lifts are performed successfully each year. The goal of the procedure is to lift and contour the thighs so that they look slim and in proportion with the rest of your body. In all cases, the skin and/or fat is removed; the underlying tissue is reshaped and tightened and the remaining skin is lifted, smoothed, and sutured into place at the incision site. Surgery typically takes two to three hours.An ideal candidate for the procedure is one whose thighs may look dimpled due to sagging skin or have a flabby appearance.A combination of a thighplasty and liposuction technique may be performed to give the thighs a smoother, more toned appearance.

You will most likely be able to return to work within seven to 10 days, and resume physical activity after four to six weeks.. The surgical sutures are usually removed within two weeks.ResultsThe results of your thigh lift will be seen immediately, but full results are generally only seen after a few months when the swelling has gone down. You will need to wear compression garments to minimise swelling and promote healing.RisksAll surgeries carry some amount of uncertainty and risk. People considering thigh lift surgery should know that it is not a surgical means of losing weight. Pain medication and anti-inflammatory medications are typically prescribed during the post-operative period. You may have drains in place to collect excess fluids too. While there are scars, they are mostly hidden in your body’s natural creases, and they will fade over time.

When done by a qualified plastic surgeon who is trained properly, the results are positive. It is a procedure for those who are close to their ideal weight but unhappy with the appearance of their thighs.A medial thigh lift targets the skin and fat on the upper part of the inner thigh.Types of Thigh LiftsThere are three types of thighplasty: China Barrel injection mold inner, medial, and bilateral:An inner thigh lift targets the skin in the lower portion of the inner thigh.A bilateral thigh lift focuses on the skin on the front and outside of the thigh. Women are looking to stars like Bella Hadid and Jennifer Lopez as inspiration for these procedures.– The writer is a cosmetic surgeon.A thigh lift, also known as a thighplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to tighten and improve the appearance of your thighs due to excess skin on the them which can be a result of aging, pregnancy, or significant weight loss


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