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travels to the uterus and attaches itself

Most expectant mums will experience some degree of tiredness at some stage during pregnancy but more commonly in the first and third trimesters. In fact, unless you are actively looking for the symptoms of pregnancy, the first month may pass you by and you will be oblivious to the early signs. Many women report having a metallic taste in their mouths and food cravings are common. Some women will know almost immediately that they are pregnant but for the majority, missing a period is the most usual first sign of being pregnant. Some women experience slight bleeding when this happens, also known as implantation bleeding and this one of the first month pregnancy symptoms China Other Fabircs Wholesalers can sometimes be mistaken for an early period.

The kidneys are required to filter about 30% more blood thus producing more urine. As pregnancy progresses, the need to urinate is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. Fatigue: Feeling tired to the point of exhaustion can begin soon after conception and is caused by the hormone progesterone. Can be felt a week to a few days before your period is due. Favourite foods no longer appeal to you, odours are both stronger and different. More Frequent Urination: The body produces more blood soon after conception to ensure an adequate supply to the developing baby, uterus and placenta. There might be a tingling sensation or the breasts might be extremely itchy.

Progesterone is necessary in preparing the lining of the uterus for implantation. The symptoms of pregnancy in the first month are largely a result of this dramatic increase in hormone levels.Cramping: Also known as implantation cramping occurs when the fertilized egg travels to the uterus and attaches itself or burrows into the uterine lining. The veins on the breasts might become more obvious due to the increased supply of blood to the area in preparation for breast-feeding.Changes Iin Breasts: Very often the first physical symptom of pregnancy in the first month. Breasts may become swollen, painful and tender to the touch due to the sudden increase in hormones.First month pregnancy symptoms are not always noticed by all women.

Though you might not have confirmed your pregnancy yet, your body is already undergoing massive changes due to the sudden surge of pregnancy hormones in your system. This doesn’t mean your pregnancy is at risk, it just means you are an individual and will not experience exactly the same start to pregnancy as another. First Month Pregnancy Symptoms Include:Heightened Sense Of Smell: This is often one of the first signs that something has changed in your body.Don’t worry if you feel you are pregnant and do not experience any of the first month pregnancy symptoms – not eveyone will especially if your cycle is irregular. The nipples might feel sore and the areola, the area surrounding the nipple may get darker.


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