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Fibrous fibers formed by melting spinning

Therefore, they are durable, anti -wrinkle and not ironing. Fibrous fibers formed by melting spinning, and can be formed again for heating and melting, which is a thermoplastic fiber. The melting point of polyester is higher, but it is smaller than the heat capacity and thermal conductivity, so the heat resistance and thermal insulation of polyester China Custom Jacquard Pattern Fabric fibers are high. It is good in the synthetic fiber.

Good thermoplasticity, poor anti -melting. Because polyester has a smooth surface and internal molecules that are tightly arranged, polyester is a heat -resistant fabric in the synthetic fiber. 9. It is armoplastic and can be made into a pleated skirt with long -lasting folds. At the same time, polyester fabrics have poor melting resistance and can easily form holes in the absence of ash and sparks.

Therefore, try to avoid contact with the cigarette butt and sparks when wearing. 10. Good abrasion resistance. The abrasion resistance is second only to nylon, the latter is good for wear resistance, and is better than other natural fibers and synthetic fibers. Good light resistance. Light resistance is second only to acrylic fibers. Polyester fabrics have better light resistance, but they are not as good as acrylic fibers, and their light resistance is worse than natural fiber fabrics.

Especially the light resistance behind the glass is very good, almost as good as acrylic. Proclase. It has resistance to bleaching agents, oxidants, hydrocarbons, ketones, petroleum products and inorganic acid. It is resistant to dilute alkali and is not afraid of mold, but thermal alkali will break it down.


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