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How to Artfully Decorate For the Holidays – 5 Artistic Ways to Decorate With Textiles and Ornaments

Putting aside my art supplies for a short time this holiday season, I become artistic in decorating. This gives my mind new artful ways to think. As an added bonus, holiday decorating makes happy times in my home.

Trying to decide which decorations/collections of a lifetime, will be brought out this year, I remembered all the china hotel bedding factory and ornaments I’ve collected. Ornaments that my daughter and I painted when she was a little girl, others bought just for my son and grandsons, travel ornaments, 12 Days of Christmas ornaments and the list goes on.

Textiles are the same way, I have old quilts, spreads and fabric pieces that have been handed down for several generations. These seem to make my house a home especially during holidays.

Here are 5 artistic ways you can use textiles and ornaments to decorate.

1) Use a favorite (I love the old tablecloths or afghans) to cover a table that holds your small tree.

2) Cover everyday cushions with fabric. Fabric stores have patterns that show you how to tie fabric over cushions. They can be untied when the holidays are over.

3) Instead of buying an expensive under the tree skirt, use an old quilt or spread or an old yard or two of fabric that carries out your decorating theme.

4) Try tying Twelve Days of Christmas and ornaments you’ve collected while traveling, by ribbon that fits your color scheme. Hang them from the dining room chandelier, or anywhere there is room for movement and catching light.

5) Pick a favorite container, (mine is a special bread tray), place a square of one of the fabrics already used, in the tray, draping over the sides, fill with your most special ornaments.

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