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It can be seen that there are serious thick knuckles

The normal Brown Polyester Yarn was gradually restored. Judging from the uneven curve, the wavelength of the main wave is more than 7 meters, the length of the detail is longer than the thick joint, and the width of the thick joint is larger than the detail.5m (see Figure 20).8tex yarn, on the self-winding Lofi electric clear, the detection head shows Figure 29 Abnormal yarn unevenness curve portant;Abnormal yarn DR% curve chart From the shape of these graphics, the problem should be in the front draft zone, which is specifically manifested in the poor control of the variable speed movement of the fiber in the front draft zone.

The characteristics of graphs such as charts and electrical clear cut classification charts are comprehensively analyzed and judged to improve the accuracy of spectrogram analysis.149 meters, and there are 2, 3, and 4 times , 5th-order harmonics (see Figure 37); from the uneven curve diagram,

it can be seen that there are serious thick knuckles, and the thick knot thickness is not completely consistent (see Figure 38); also from the variable length curve, There are concave points at 1 meter, and 0. Therefore, on the detection head on the electric clear ‘4’ and ‘4.33 times, and the rear draft is 1.625 meters, 0. 20 Problem bobbin uneven curve From the spectrogram, the wave around 7.33 times, the rear zone draft multiple was 1.346 times. Figure 21 The main wave and harmonics The relationship is seen from the graph.25 times, and a spindle was found in the sliver test

The spectrogram is abnormal (see Figure 28), a small mountain-shaped peak is formed at about 10cm, and the amplitude of the two channels at 80-90cm is slightly higher; looking at the uneven curve of the ingot position (see Figure 29), it is found that there is Dense small thick knuckles, the distance between small thick knuckles is unequal, about 85 cm on average; on the DR% curve, it can be clearly seen that the left and right sides of the zero axis are asymmetric, and the curve on the right is more elongated (see Figure 30). Unidirectional impulse defects on the yarn appear as thick spots or details appearing individually, with a certain interval between the defect pairs.


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