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air compressor pneumatic system

The power source of the air compressor pneumatic system is compressed air, but in fact the compressed air generated by the compressor must be properly processed before it can be sent to the pneumatic device for use, otherwise it will quickly fail. Then the main sources of impurities in the oil-free compressed air are: 1. Moisture and dust entering from the suction port of the compressor; 2. The condensed water produced by cooling after the compressed air is compressed, and the lubricating oil deteriorates during  paraffin washing gun the compression process. Sludge, rust of pipes and pneumatic components, and metal powder produced by incompetent frictional parts will seriously affect the work of pneumatic components.

How to classify the directional control valve: According to the control method, it is classified into four categories: air pressure control, electromagnetic control, human control and mechanical control. According to the number of ports of the valve, it is divided into: two-way valve, three-way valve, four-way valve, five-way valve, etc. Classification according to the number of switching states of the valve: the switching state of the directional control valve is called position, and there are several switching states called several-position valves, such as two-position valve, three-position valve, etc.

Our oil-free air compressors can be used in explosion-proof areas, so where are they mainly used? First, oil-free air compressors used in coal mines; second, oil-free air compressors used in special factories; before use, they must be manufactured and tested according to two types of requirements, and the corresponding explosion-proof signs must be marked on the nameplate. And according to its maximum surface temperature is divided into their respective levels. When choosing an explosion-proof solenoid valve, in the final analysis, it is necessary to choose an explosion-proof solenoid coil, and the valve body is universal.
Pneumatic control valve refers to various pneumatic components that control the pressure, flow and flow direction of air flow in the pneumatic system to ensure that the pneumatic actuator or mechanism works normally according to the prescribed procedures. The one that controls and adjusts the air pressure is called the pressure control valve, the one that controls and controls the air flow of the Day of the Dead is called the flow control valve, and the one that changes the flow direction of the air flow and controls the flow of the air is called the directional control valve.

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