Imagen de avatar Irrigation multistage impeller portable drainage pump

Their pressure pipe disc valves and check valves are directly connected

the main method to reduce the Grinder Sewage Submersible Pumps along the way is to clean the fouling of the drainage pipe, which can improve the working conditions of the system. For local resistance loss caused by pipeline design problems, it should be modified as much as possible to reduce local resistance loss and improve the efficiency of the pipeline system. For example:

4 pumps in the pump room of our sewage plant, due to piping design problems, their pressure pipe disc valves and check valves are directly connected, and they affect each other. After the disc valves are fully opened, they block the tongue of the check valve. ,

So that the check valve tongue cannot be fully opened, and the local resistance of the pipeline increases. In response to this problem, we added a flexible connecting sleeve between the butterfly valve and the check valve in the water pressure pipe to eliminate the disadvantages of the connection between the butterfly valve and the check valve and the mutual influence, reducing the local resistance, increasing the flow rate, and power consumption. reduce. In addition, when building a new drainage system, in order to reduce pipeline losses, economical pipe diameters can be used to shorten pipeline lengths.

When pipelines are laid out, try to use broken line layouts instead of straight lines, and at the same time, reduce unnecessary three-way and gate valves. Wait for pipeline accessories to ensure the tightness of the pipeline to reduce local resistance loss and achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of the pipeline system. 4. Actively promote the application of new technologies to reduce consumption and increase efficiency.


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