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The images should not just be beautiful or appropriate

So check and see if your postcards are thick enough to be impressive. Text styles &China Textile Printing suppliers150; One should also judge color postcards by their text styles. How will your custom postcards pan out with these criteria? Just apply these items and hopefully you will know where you will need to improve with your color postcards.2.5. The higher the resolution the better as these typically do not deteriorate once resized or printed unto color postcards.1. Thicker cards are of course tougher and will typically last longer delivering its message. Postcards with very old looking fonts are typically considered cheap and amateurish by most. The text content in particular needs to always be as perfect as possible so that it can supply the details of the postcard effectively. For you to avoid this from happening to your color postcards, you should try using new fonts available for free on the web. Postcard content – Finally of course, custom postcards must be judged by their content. So if your color postcards do not have that smooth gleam, they still aren’t really as great and professional as you want. Otherwise, if it is just a plain old greeting or a display of information, the color postcard won’t be as good as it can be.

To make sure that everything is ideal like this, you should always insert images that are in high resolution to your postcard printing drafts.So that is how you should judge your color postcards to deem them good or bad..Moreover, people tend to keep thicker postcards as souvenirs or mementos since they feel a bit too expensive to just throw away.Sometimes, it can be hard to accurately determine if your own color postcards are indeed good and fresh or if they are just bad derivatives of other common kinds of postcard printing. So those postcards with text rendered in Arial or Times New Roman typically do not look as great as they used to be. All shapes and forms must run smooth without any rough edges as well. These are the factors that most professional judges take into account when ranking color postcards. So check all your images and replace the low resolution ones with their original high resolution counterparts. If you are investing in postcard printing for marketing though, you may want to form some kind of set criteria so that you can quantify exactly if your custom postcards area really good or really bad. That is why it is important to carefully craft your custom postcard message.

The images should not just be beautiful or appropriate, but they should also appear as high quality color prints.4. Image quality – Image quality is also a big factor in judging color postcards.3. Perfect spelling and grammar is needed of course and everything should meld together with the theme.Luckily for you, I have here listed below the main key criteria that you should use to judge your color postcards. Great color postcards typically have a very smooth finish that not only is great to touch but also causes the material to gleam or reflect in the light. The newer the better for your full color postcards. Postcard paper smoothness/gleam – # Another key factor in judging color postcards is the smoothness or gleam of the paper itself.Beyond this, the content itself should actually engage readers with real interests and provide benefits. Just use these to get an idea of how good or bad your color postcards are against their rivals. In the world of postcard printing, the thicker the card the better the quality. Make sure that readers will be able to gain something from the postcards for them to appreciate it. This means that no one should see blurred areas, pixels, odd colors and other types of noise or dirt in the picture. Postcard paper thickness – One of the first things that you should look at in your custom postcards is the paper thickness. The smoother and glossier, the better


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