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quite strange that an aging baby boomer

I guess we will never know since a baseball cap pretty much tells me, I didnt have time to fix my hair or it is dirty so I am covering it up with a cap. Though a red retro hat is very seldom worn today as an accessory, they can still add to a womans sex appeal..Why is it that a vintage womens red velvet hat can make women very sexy? Is it because of things in the past? I dont know except it just does. A woman could take the rim of the hat and cover her face with only her eyes showing. In the 60s some women turned to Retro Gray Woven Fedora hats. Lots of beads on the dresses as well on your velvet epaulet hat. The man was always seen with his fedora.

Some of the old hats were huge and I mean huge.Remember the pill box hat? What about the Charleston hat? You couldnt go dancing without dressing up in your fancy dress and put on your Victorian hat just made to do the Charleston. A fedora can be shaped to exhibit the personality of the woman who is wearing it. The fedora has light appearance. With a twinkle in her eyes, she could give you the come hither look.It seems that the young women of today culture have no interest in dressing up. Maybe you added a few feathers which were always a great finishing touch to your ensemble. She was attractive and I think the hat added 100% Polyester thermal bonded non woven fusible interlining embroidery to it.

Our young woman at the counter of our dry cleaners always wore a vintage hat, nothing fancy but it was just cool. Is she trying to tell me something with the hat? Is it saying she is available. Young women today are missing out on a choice to look even better.As the time changes, so did the hat styles.If you read your history, you know the flapper hat was very much part of dressing up during the roaring 20s. It seems quite strange that an aging baby boomer would like to see women wear more attractive hats. Fedora come in all kinds of colors as well as velvet, straw, and heavy cloth. Hats add a slight mystery to the women who wears them today.

Maybe it is because that todays dress many times doesnt leave a lot to the imagination and a return to years of some modesty adds an element of mystery to the woman sex appeal. A woman wouldnt leave her home without wearing her black flapper hat. It adds to touch of sophistication. They were so large that they would be floppy hats because of the weight would cause them to fall down. The closest they come to wearing a hat is an old baseball cap. It provides an accessory but it doesnt overwhelm the overall look that the young woman has put together.If I sound like I am missing some of the styles of yesterday, I guess I am. You just dont see that today. Mens fedora hats are still popular even today. To them dressing up is putting on a clean pair of jeans with or without holes as long as it is clean.


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