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It has a good effect on the recovery of skin lesions

Foods rich in vitamin A include animal liver, egg yolk, milk, cheese, fish, shellfish, etc.How to deal with hand moulting, teach you three tricks to do it easily OEM Antibacterial Hand Sanitizers suppliers To In daily life, most people have experienced peeling hands. When the hands are dry and peeling, you can apply vitamin C injection to the affected area. Rub hands, feet, and face with this oil to prevent peeling. During the peeling of hands, reduce the frequency of hand washing appropriately.

Use 20 grams of rehmannia, 15 grams of Chinese yam, 10 grams of dogwood, 10 grams of paeonol, 10 grams of Alisma, 15 grams of Poria, 15 grams of windproof, 30 grams of Tribulus terrestris, add appropriate amount of water and decoct together, take 3~5 times It will improve the situation. Be careful not to tear off the epidermis by hand. Repeat twice and set aside. Cool the slick oil in the upper layer of the mutton soup, remove it, and put it in a small bottle.

It has a good effect on the recovery of skin lesions. Its symptoms are not only peeling, but also cracks. Boil the bottle with boiling water to melt it, and then cool it down to remove the water and impurities sinking underneath.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and has a protective effect on the surface of the skin. There is a kind of dry dermatitis, which is most common in young and middle-aged women, and it is related to washing hands and clothes with soap and soap. Peeling of hands and feet caused by nutrient deficiency is generally related to vitamin A. If it is lacking, it will cause dry skin and peeling


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