forkofficg @forkofficg ?

activo hace 4 años, 2 meses
  • forkofficg ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: This change and attitude towards conservation   hace 4 años · Ver

    She said, “I am an ocean lover and scuba diver. I spend a lot of time underwater and I cannot explain to you the kind of visible changes that can be seen in oceans because of plastic.He however feels the effects of climate change and the global impact are seen and felt everywhere.”Being associated with […]

  • forkofficg ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: The campaign celebrated this extraordinary impact   hace 4 años · Ver

    I try my best to make sure I don’t use anything that is harmful for the environment.More than 900 schools along with 11,00,000 students in over 200 cities participated in this campaign and nine companies had adopted this initiative as corporate social responsibility (CSR) endeavour. She shares, “We take one plastic bottle and throw it […]

  • forkofficg ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: But sometimes this quest for a quick fix through   hace 4 años · Ver

    But sometimes this quest for a quick fix through plastic surgery can prove damaging to the extent of being fatal.Authorities in Brazil have arrested a plastic surgeon also known as Dr Butt after one of his patients died from buttock enlargement injections. He claims to have performed 9000 such procedures and has gained celebrity status […]

  • forkofficg ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: The Bombay high court has come down heavily   hace 4 años, 1 mes · Ver

    The Bombay high court has come down heavily on plastic ban petitioners who had gathered before the court and protested wearing black shirts and ribbons on their hands. The court said that if the petitioners did not have faith in the judiciary, then ‘don’t come to the court’.A division bench of Justice Abhay Oka and […]

  • forkofficg ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: Further tests showed that under simulated stomach conditions   hace 4 años, 1 mes · Ver

    Further tests showed that under simulated stomach conditions (involving extraction in dilute hydrochloric acid) several toys released quantities of bromine, cadmium or lead that exceeded limits set by the European Councils Toy Safety Directive, with the release of cadmium exceeding its limit value by an order of magnitude in some cases.These included cars, trains, construction […]

  • forkofficg ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: That’s when I decided to quit my job and do something   hace 4 años, 2 meses · Ver

    A city-based start-up is infusing creativity and ecological consciousness into quirky products.What started as a hobby to put trash to use by making creative, usable products graduated to plastic spoon Manufacturers a social enterprise, “I noticed how upcycling was popular in the U. It’s like infusing creativity in trash,” she says.At a household level, even if someone […]

  • forkofficg ahora es un usuario registrado   hace 4 años, 2 meses · Ver