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activo hace 2 años, 4 meses
  • a ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: casting process design   hace 2 años, 4 meses · Ver

    The casting process design involves the process design of the part itself, the design of the gating system, the design of the feeding system, the design of the air outlet, the design of the chilling system, and the design of the special casting process. The process design of the part itself involves the design of […]

  • a ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: The technology and precision of aluminum casting   hace 2 años, 5 meses · Ver

    The aluminum casting process starts with pouring molten metal into a prepared mold and making it into the desired shape and functional parts during the cooling process. Casting is a common production method in the aluminum casting process. It is widely used because of its low cost and great process flexibility. Large-scale castings with complex […]

  • a ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: What kind of gating system is suitable for aluminum alloy casting?   hace 2 años, 7 meses · Ver

    Taking out the alloy liquid from the smelting furnace and pouring it into the mold is a key process in the casting production process. Although this process takes a short time, the movement of the alloy liquid during the transmission process is very intense, and the liquid level The oxide film of the alloy is […]

  • a ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: Reasons for the formation of pinholes on the surface of copper castings   hace 2 años, 7 meses · Ver

      The degree of supersaturation reached before the formation of hydrogen bubbles is a function of the number of hydrogen bubbles nucleating, while oxides and other inclusions are contributing to the bubbling effect. The hydrogen bubbles formed by the separation of supersaturated hydrogen have no time to float up and discharge, and the tiny and […]

  • a ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: Main features and uses of various grades of aluminum alloys   hace 2 años, 8 meses · Ver

    ZL101 is characterized by simple composition, easy smelting and casting, good casting performance, good air tightness, good welding and cutting performance, but not high mechanical properties. It is suitable for casting thin-walled, large-area and complex-shaped parts with low strength requirements, such as pump casings, gear boxes, instrument casings (frames) and zeroes on home appliances. Sand […]

  • a ahora es un usuario registrado   hace 2 años, 8 meses · Ver