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activo hace 2 años, 5 meses
  • a ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: Wheelchairs also require intensive exercise   hace 2 años, 5 meses · Ver

    Many disabled patients need to rely on wheelchairs for a long time due to their physical weakness or illness. Apart from being pushed by their family members to sit outside, few people exercise independently. This is not only not conducive to physical recovery, but may also suffer from other chronic diseases. Long-term sitting in a […]

  • a ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: Is it better to choose leather or cloth for wheelchair seats?   hace 2 años, 6 meses · Ver

    People who sit in wheelchairs for a long time do not look at each other while driving or sitting on the sofa. People in wheelchairs spend more than half of the day on the wheelchair, so the material requirements for wheelchair seats are relatively high. Many netizens are asking Xiaobian such a question. “It is  China […]

  • a ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: which wheelchair for disabled people to choose?   hace 2 años, 7 meses · Ver

    Are you still hesitating about which wheelchair for disabled people to choose? The author thinks it is very simple. First: What is the purpose of the disabled wheelchair you purchased? At present, the electric wheelchairs and electric scooters on the market have a mileage of 3-10 kilometers, which can fully meet the short-distance travel needs […]

  • a ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: Reasons why electric wheelchairs don’t go with electricity   hace 2 años, 8 meses · Ver

    Electric wheelchairs are the first choice for people with mobility impairments. Some customers who buy low-quality electric wheelchairs often have some failures, resulting in inability to walk. Today, I will analyze for you what is going on when the electric wheelchair is powered on. This is also the most common problem of electric wheelchair failures […]

  • a ahora es un usuario registrado   hace 2 años, 9 meses · Ver