wheeldg @wheeldg ?

activo hace 3 años, 8 meses
  • wheeldg ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: These are complicated issues but we made progress   hace 3 años, 7 meses · Ver

    Seoul: North Korea said on Saturday its resolve to give up its nuclear programmes may falter after talks with the United States in Pyongyang, contradicting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who lauded progress made on nearly all key issues.”I think we made progress in every element of our discussions,” he said, according to a pool […]

  • wheeldg ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: The Company’s vision is to set up a world-class technology   hace 3 años, 8 meses · Ver

    To strengthen the ultimate purpose, the Academy will further undertake skill development of local and national football coaches by organizing various coaches’ development initiatives and certification courses in association with the District, State and National Football Federations to develop a talent pool of skilled football educators. By now, 30 clusters have already become operative and […]

  • wheeldg ahora es un usuario registrado   hace 3 años, 8 meses · Ver