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We remain concerned about the impact of these tariffs on global trade

The metals tariffs have caused some divisions within Trumps Republican Party, as steel and aluminium consuming industries have warned that higher prices would hurt their competitiveness.Washington: US President Donald Trump has postponed the imposition of steel and aluminium tariffs on Canada, the European Union and Mexico until June 1, and has reached agreements for permanent exemptions for Argentina, Australia and Brazil, the White House said on Monday.8 billion euros of US exports of products ranging from makeup to motorcycles.”Negotiations over US steel and aluminium tariff exemptions for Canada and Mexico have also become intertwined with intensified talks to reach an agreement to update the North American Free Trade Agreement.Canada is the largest steel exporter to the United States, and its industry is highly integrated with that of its southern neighbour, with raw materials and finished steel crisscrossing the Great Lakes region.The tariffs, which have increased frictions with US trading partners worldwide and have prompted several challenges before the World Trade Organization, are aimed at allowing the two US metals industries to increase their capacity utilization rates above 80 per cent for the first time in years.

We remain concerned about the impact of these tariffs on global trade and will continue to work with the EU on a multilateral solution to the global problem of overcapacity, as well as to manage the impact on domestic markets.If the EU is subject to tariffs on the 6.Trump has invoked a 1962 trade law to erect protections for US steel and aluminium producers on national security grounds, amid a worldwide glut of both metals that is largely blamed on excess production in China.In a statement, the White House said that the details of the deals with Brazil, Argentina and Australia would be finalized shortly, and it did not disclose terms.The White House said the agreements reflect administration efforts “to reach fair outcomes with allies to protect our national security and address global challenges to the steel and aluminium industries.”But Canada, Mexico and the European Union have all insisted that they will not accept quotas to gain permanent exemptions from the US tariffs.Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday that any move by the United States to impose tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminium would be a “very bad idea” guaranteed to disrupt trade between the two countries.”Todd Leebow, president of Majestic Steel USA, a Cleveland-based metric nuts Suppliers distributor of domestic steel products, said American steelmakers needed certainty that import protections wont be eroded.Exemption terms unclearSpokesmen for Australias Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the countrys Trade Minister Steven Ciobo both declined to comment when contacted by Reuters about the deals terms before the White Houses official announcement.A source familiar with the decision said that there would be no further extensions beyond June 1 to stave off tariffs. In all of these negotiations, the administration is focused on quotas that will restrain imports, prevent transhipment, and protect the national security,” the White House added


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