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Widely Used For Credit Card


Earlier this year, for instance, researchers showed that a ML program could detect skin cancers better than a dermatologist. Tasks that involve making quick decisions based on data are a good fit for ML programs; not so if the decision depends on long chains of reasoning, diverse background knowledge or common sense.Tasks that are amenable to ML include those for which a lot of data is available, researchers said.”Although the economic effects of ML are relatively limited today, and we are not facing the imminent end of work as is sometimes proclaimed, the implications for the economy and the workforce going forward are profound,” researchers said.

Predicting how ML will affect a particular job or profession can be difficult because ML tends to automate or semi-automate individual tasks, but jobs often involve multiple tasks, only some of which are amenable to ML approaches.To learn how to detect skin cancer, for instance, ML programmes were able to study more than 130,000 labelled examples of skin lesions.Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US found 21 criteria to evaluate whether a task or a job is amenable to machine learning (ML).ML can be a game changer for tasks that already are online, such as scheduling.The skills people choose to develop and the investments businesses make will determine who thrives and who falters once ML is ingrained in everyday life, they argue.Likewise, credit card fraud detection programs can be trained with hundreds of millions of examples.

It already is widely used for credit card fraud detection, recommendation systems and financial market analysis, with new applications such as medical diagnosis on the horizon.ONE OUT OF 2 Company It already is widely used for credit card fraud detection, recommendation systems and financial market analysis.However, that does not mean ML will replace dermatologists, who do many things other than evaluate lesions.Jobs that do not require dexterity, physical skills or mobility also are more suitable for ML.end-ofTags: viral story, machine learning, artificial intelligence, jobsRelated StoriesAI, machine learning new tools to fight cyber attacksMachine learning to be used for patient care’Demand for AI, machine learning experts to rise 60% by 2018′.

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