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Reasons why electric wheelchairs don’t go with electricity

Electric wheelchairs are the first choice for people with mobility impairments. Some customers who buy low-quality electric wheelchairs often have some failures, resulting in inability to walk. Today, I will analyze for you what is going on when the electric wheelchair is powered on. This is also the most common problem of electric wheelchair failures encountered by users.
The failure of an electric wheelchair to run on electricity is usually caused by the following problems:
1. Insufficient battery voltage:

is usually seen in electric wheelchairs that have been used for a long time. Mobility Scooter Manufacturers  As the service life of the battery has expired, the vulcanization is serious, or there is a broken situation, and the lack of liquid is serious, resulting in insufficient power storage. When the battery voltage is too low, turn on the power switch and the power indicator lights up, but the motor cannot be driven forward;
2. The clutch is in the open state:

an electric wheelchair with an electromagnetic brake can only be driven electrically when the electromagnetic brake is closed, and the clutch cannot be driven electrically when the clutch is open, and can only be driven manually;
Third, the electric wheelchair controller failure:

the electric wheelchair controller motherboard is damaged or the control rod drifts, it can appear that there is electricity but cannot walk, it is recommended to replace the matching controller in this case;
4. Motor carbon brushes are worn or burned out:

Some electric wheelchairs use brushed motors. The brushed motor carbon brushes are vulnerable parts and need to be replaced regularly. If they are not replaced for a long time, serious wear will cause the appliance to fail to start.

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