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which wheelchair for disabled people to choose?

Are you still hesitating about which wheelchair for disabled people to choose? The author thinks it is very simple. First: What is the purpose of the disabled wheelchair you purchased? At present, the electric wheelchairs and electric scooters on the market have a mileage of 3-10 kilometers, which can fully meet the short-distance travel needs of the elderly. Second: the physical condition of the elderly, the size of the model, and whether the function is simple is also worthy of our consideration. By the way, the function of the wheelchair does not need to be too complicated, the elderly are not willing to accept too complicated operation and it is more difficult to repair the problem. Finally, be sure to shop around, preferably to a brick-and-mortar store to see the real thing. Seeing is believing, hearing is false.

In the process of purchasing elderly electric wheelchairs and electric elderly scooters ,consumers often consider the appearance, price, and customer evaluation of these factors, while ignoring the quality factor. In fact, elderly friends should not blindly follow the trend when purchasing electric wheelchairs or elderly scooters, but should pay more attention to self-experience. I hereby appeal to the purchase of four-wheeled electric scooters and electric wheelchairs, please go to the dealers with the second-class qualification for medical equipment, and buy high-quality electric scooters, so that the elderly can travel safely, conveniently, happily, and sharing. economic and social development achievements.

Big brand means good product quality and good after-sales guarantee. Wheelchairs for the disabled, and scooter packages for the elderly have expanded to the newly released tandem scooter as an emerging means of transportation. When the domestic regulatory system is not perfect, it is better to choose a big brand. When buying a wheelchair for the disabled, it is best to go online and learn about the models you want and which brands you want in advance. After the next purchase, first check whether the appearance of the wheelchair is worn, whether the paint and plated surface are in good condition; secondly, follow the steps in the manual to test drive the wheelchair to check the working state of the wheelchair, whether the brakes are flexible, and whether the sound is noisy. Finally, check whether the supporting accessories, charger, certificate, manual and three-guarantee card are complete.

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