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Wheelchairs also require intensive exercise

Many disabled patients need to rely on wheelchairs for a long time due to their physical weakness or illness. Apart from being pushed by their family members to sit outside, few people exercise independently. This is not only not conducive to physical recovery, but may also suffer from other chronic diseases. Long-term sitting in a wheelchair and lack of exercise will make the heart muscle weak, blood circulation slows down, and blood viscosity increases, thereby increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and stroke. In addition, most patients in a wheelchair often maintain the same posture, which will increase the burden on the spine, especially the cervical and lumbar spine, and the ligaments, tendons and tendon sheaths attached to the spine cannot relax, which will lead to bone  Seniors Mobility Scooter hyperplasia and ligament calcification over time. problems, causing chronic spinal diseases such as cervical spondylosis. However, if elderly men in wheelchairs do not exercise actively, the prostate gland may be blocked due to partial pressure on the prostate, resulting in poor excretion of glandular fluid, resulting in chronic prostate congestion and prostatitis.

People who often sit in wheelchairs can exercise from the upper body, keep the upper body straight, put the hands and forearms on the armrests of the wheelchair, and do the neck-circling exercise twice; 5 times; abduct both arms into a line, with palms upright and palms facing outwards, turn both arms forward and back 5 times respectively, and then swing the arms backwards to do 5 chest-expanding movements; retract the arms, grasp the left handrail with the right hand, and the left hand can Hold the back of the wheelchair, turn your body to the left rear as far as possible, count 5 silently and then restore, then do the opposite side, the same action as before. After doing the upper body movement, take a short rest and continue to exercise the lower body. Down

Elderly people who can move their limbs can do some simple kicking movements first, first kick the calf, then lift the thigh, and finally straighten and lift the leg, hold for two or three seconds, and then put it down. After the physical fitness is improved, the exercise time can be extended; To do the bicycle movement, that is, to hang your feet in the air and do the action of pedaling a bicycle. The elderly who have difficulty in lower limb movement can exercise by changing the center of gravity, that is, moving the center of gravity of the body on the wheelchair seat cushion every 15 minutes or so, which can effectively improve the blood circulation disorder caused by local compression. In addition, you can pat and massage the legs with both hands to improve their blood supply and reduce the side effects caused by frequent wheelchair use. Many people think that it is not very convenient for disabled people to move around in wheelchairs, so how can they exercise? In fact, this is a wrong view, only those who are negative will entrust their life to a wheelchair. The key to the above methods is the will and patience of the wheelchair user. As long as you do it with strong willpower and tireless patience, you can reduce the side effects of wheelchairs.

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