Imagen de avatar Erlenmeyer Cosmetic Bottle Series

Its use breaks the single mode of concrete expression

In actual use, as an advertisement for cosmetics, designers often choose iconic graphics as design elements. Concrete graphics have an interesting and touching charm in people’s minds. It is a form of visual language that people are willing to accept and love. It is easy to get people’s trust psychologically.

The concrete figure can highlight the theme by expressing the specific form of the objective object, and at the same time can express a certain artistic conception. Its beautiful realistic image satisfies people’s aesthetic needs to a certain extent, and visually stimulates people’s interest in the product. Interests and needs desires.

Abstract graphics is a highly conceptualized expression. Its use breaks the single mode of concrete expression, and enables the organic combination of concrete and abstract, and permeates each other, which greatly expands the expression space of the picture, and its performance is not limited by time and space. . The image of abstract graphics should be distinct, not overwhelming, and the main image should be consistent with the goal of the public announcement. Otherwise, the target consumer’s attention will be distracted or shifted, which will lead to deviation from the goal of the appeal.

The image of the graphics should be emotional people, persuade people with reason, to achieve a high degree of unity of emotion and reason, the image of the blend of emotion and reason helps people to actively participate in emotional factors. The stronger the emotional color of the image, the more it can arouse people’s interest and make it resonate emotionally.

In the design of graphic form selection, the picture must have a sense of beauty, and there are many elements that reflect beauty, which can be beautiful lines, beautiful images, or use abstract graphics to give people a sense of beauty. And it can also be embodied by the method of painting, because the design is objective and conveying, while the painting is subjective and appreciative.

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