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This style is very popular within the ear defender and hearing

The hearing aid world as with most medical practises is full of jargon that normal people just do not understand. If you know what your audiologist is talking about you will feel more comfortable about the whole process. A good audiologist will explain everything he or she is talking about anyway but it never hurts to go to an appointment armed with as much information as possible. Hopefully this article will explain what some of the jargon you would hear during a hearing examination actually means. There are various different styles of hearing instruments out there which are specifically designed for different uses. CIC A CIC hearing instrument China paper tube packaging suppliers is a device that fits completely in the canal. This type of device would suit somebody who is significantly more self conscious about having a hearing aid in the first place. As it sits deep in the canal unless you are really looking out for a hearing aid you probably would not even notice there was one there. ITC An ITC hearing aid fits in the canal but does not go completely down the canal and is slightly visible. An in the canal device although still visible is a lot less noticeable than older models. ITE An ITE or in the ear hearing aid fills the inner ear completely. This style is very popular within the ear defender and hearing protection world. Most musicians where ear defenders when performing and are usually custom built to fit their ear perfectly. This type of hearing device as with all other models is no different in as much as it is custom built to fit snugly in your whole ear. The entire device is contained within the ear and is easily noticeable. BTE The BTE behind the ear device is probably the type of hearing aid that springs to mind when somebody first mentions the word hearing aid. This is because this type of aid was extremely popular in the past and works by having part of the instrument in the ear with a tube to the receiver module that sits behind the ear. RITE The newest member to the hearing aid family as of writing this article is the rite hearing aid or receiver in the ear hearing aid. It has similar characteristics to the BTE in as much as it also has a tube that leads behind the ear. The difference here is that the receiver actually sits within the ear canal. The external tube is also much thinner giving the whole device a much more natural and un-noticeable feel. Technology is moving extremely fast and new hearing aids are being developed all of the time. The hearing aid world has evolved quite drastically since the first hearing aid hit our streets. No longer do people have to feel embarrassed about having to use a hearing device as no doubt there will be a device certainly from the list above that will suit just about anybodies personal needs.

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