Archivos de enero, 2021

Does hair dryer hurt your hair?

Miércoles, enero 20, 2021

There are many brands of hair dryers, and each has a different feel. The hair will be dried in five minutes. The maximum operating temperature of 85°C ensures that the hair is not damaged, and at the same time it […]

Can pregnant women use a hair dryer to wash their hair?

Jueves, enero 14, 2021

For the baby, it is better for moms to stay away from the hair dryer during pregnancy. Although shampooing is a trivial matter, if the care is not carried out properly, it may cause damage to the health of adults […]

Too much moisture will make the hair dryer work too long

Lunes, enero 4, 2021

The hair dryer is a high-radiation household appliance, and its radiation is the largest when it is turned on and off. Silicone oil-free Sapindus moisturizing and nourishing shampoo can replenish moisture and nutrients for the scalp Hair Dryers Manufacturers and […]