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In this Data Science Tutorial Canvas Welding Machine Suppliers

In this Data Science Tutorial Canvas Welding Machine Suppliers, we will understand data science and its inter-disciplinary fields: data manipulation, data visualization, machine learning, and many more.

This is the age of data! As soon as you open your Facebook account, you are inundated with a huge amount of data. You get to see posts from your friends, which could be in the format of text, pictures, and videos. Now, just imagine if you could tap into this data and use it to gain insights, that would be just wonderful, wouldn’t it? And this is exactly where data science comes in. So, in this Data Science tutorial, we are going to dive into this magical field.

The need for Data Science

In this Data Science tutorial for beginners, we will start off by understanding what exactly data is! This entity called data is present all around us; it’s omnipresent like God! Simply put, data is just a collection of facts.

A bunch of numbers like -0.879 and 348 is data. When we say statements like ‘My name is Sam’ or ‘I love Pizza’, this again is data. A mathematical formula such as ‘A = ’ is nothing but data, and well, when it comes to computers, data is nothing but the binary code, i.e., 0s and 1s.

Become a Master of Data Science by going through this Online Data Science Course in Mumbai.

Now, why is this necessary?

Because this data has gone from scarce to super-abundant in the past two decades and will keep on increasing exponentially for the next two decades. Around two or three decades back, the data which we had with us was small, structured, and most of a single format, and then the analytics performed was quite simple.

But with the advent of technology, this data started to explode; multiple sources started to generate huge amounts of unstructured data of different formats. The data, which was of just a few kilobytes or megabytes earlier, started blowing up exponentially and, today, we generate around 2,500 zettabytes of data every single day!

Now, a huge amount of data was being generated every second from every corner of the world, but we did not know what to do with it. In other words, we had a lot of data with us, but we were not trying to find out any insights from it. And this need to understand and analyze data to make better decisions is what gave birth to Data Science.

Now that we know what is the need of data science, we will move ahead in this data science tutorial and understand the concept of Data Science.


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