Archivos de octubre 18, 2021

A day after forensic reports revealed that the answer sheets of Bihar fake topper Ruby Rai were in fact written by experts

Lunes, octubre 18, 2021

Secretary of the Bishundeo Rai college Bachacha Rai, from where the Arts and Science toppers hailed, is also in jail.Bihar fake topper Ruby Rai wrote poetry, film songs in her answer sheet Updated: Oct 10, 2016, 3:24 pm IST She […]

The agency has also brought on record, in the charge sheet, that the three middlemen

Lunes, octubre 18, 2021

The agency has also detected that the media firm floated by Michel in Delhi, along with two Indians, was nothing but a “shell company” to “launder the proceeds of crime.’ The court is expected to soon take cognisance of the […]