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The historians talk of a broad shift

He describes reading the diary of a teenager whose parents were arrested in the Stalin purges. At a recent monthly gathering to discuss the journals, a group, many PVC Casement Louver Window in their 20s, sat with laptops and smartphones poring over photos of browned papers. “Sometimes you get the sense diaries from the 30s were written specially for a hostile reader — so if your diaries fell into the hands of an investigator, he would conclude your absolute loyalty,” says Melnichenko. Venyavkin says that some elements come up again and again in journals of the period: self-penned poems, fascination with cultural happenings such as films or statues and a sense that the tsarist era is ancient history.Moscow: Tatiana Panova holds a photograph of her great-grandfather as a solemn-faced student in 1923 in the Soviet Union, around 16 years before he died in a prison camp during the Stalin purges. “He’s.When his father was arrested, he wrote three lines. “It’s quite rare for someone to eat till they are full”, Venyavkin said.“1920s-era diaries are relatively sincere because people didn’t know what would come in the 1930s”, says Melnichenko.” The pages of the diary of Panova’s great-grandfather are brittle, with handwriting that is hard to decipher. He and around 350 volunteers — a broad range of enthusiasts from different backgrounds — then transcribe the diary entries. Many are still in secret police archives.

The historians talk of a broad shift from the 1920s, when people were optimistic about the future and still discussed politics, to a mood of fear during the repressive Stalin Terror of the 1930s.”The site, called Prozhito, or Lived Through, was launched in 2015 and can be searched using the day, author or a keyword.”Although she feels emotional distance, she said she hopes to learn more now and access his criminal case file..”. “I’d say maybe he was a bit of a bore”, Panova said.He also wrote about his studies, work on electrification, his debts and his troubled relationship with a girlfriend. It already includes more than 600 never-published journals.“Any diary has value”, says 35-year-old historian Ilya Venyavkin, who is writing a book about diaries from the 1930s. When his mother was arrested, he noted simply: “It was easier than last time.. Later, people, at times, inked out passages or cut out pages.”Her great-grandmother secretly preserved the diary after Yakovlev was arrested on suspicion of a “Trotskyite” plot and sent to a labour camp in the far-eastern city of Magadan where he died.“It’s very mysterious,” she says. Diaries in the 1930s, however, took on a sinister aspect as investigators often used them as evidence of anti-Soviet opinions.There are far fewer diaries from that decade, either because people did not write them or destroyed them.Family archives are unusual in Russia due to war, evacuation and the terror that reigned during Stalin’s 1922-1953 leadership, making such diaries valuable finds, said Venyavkin.“Don’t think that if your relative wasn’t an outstanding intellectual or a singer, or didn’t live through the death of Stalin or the coronation of Nicholas II, that their diary has no significance.

Now, as memories of the Stalin era fade, a project run by young Russian historians is putting his journal and hundreds more like it online in a bid to bring to life the everyday experiences of those tumultuous times. A complete stranger, a person who lived 100 years ago.At the same time, most were living in overcrowded accommodation and felt hungry most of the time. “It’s some kind of social change”, says Venyavkin.Working in his apartment and without a scanner, Melnichenko photographs diary pages on a large windowsill where the light is good. The electrical engineer drew up weekly tables detailing the time he had spent on activities such as gymnastics.“People, who wrote diaries, knew in general that this was quite dangerous, that a diary could be read,” says Venyavkin. “We are suddenly interested in knowing in detail how people lived who often have no relation to us. “We can interpret not his text but the absence of what seems obvious. We are dealing with silence”, says Venyavkin.Panova admits that initially she found his diary, written over three years in the 1920s, pretty dull.While Alexander Yakovlev’s death was over half a century before her birth, Panova, 25, has gained a tiny window into his thoughts and life thanks to an aged diary that her family preserved. The idea came from 33-year-old historian, Mikhail Melnichenko, after he wrote a book about Soviet political jokes using diaries as a source. “He writes in detail every day what time he got up and went to bed


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