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Sonia describes true self esteem

For example, if you have social phobia, then a step toward gaining confidence would be to attend one social function per week.

According to Sonia, we are not taught to like ourselves and children. Sonia describes true self esteem as the ‘diamond’ and fake confidence as the ‘cubic zirconia’. The second way we gain confidence is to do die cast zinc the things we think we are afraid of. Don’t blow your own horn. Why Confidence Hypnotherapy is the number one choice for happiness

Leading hypnotherapy expert Sonia Devine recommends confidence hypnotherapy as a means of increasing self-esteem and at the same time, increasing the quality of your life. Put others first’.”

“Nobody is born with self-confidence” says Sonia. According to Sonia, good self-esteem is the key to everything. But true self-confidence is not the same as arrogance or conceit.

Sonia Devine is one of Australia’s leading experts in confidence hypnotherapy. A person may outwardly present as a confident and capable person, while inside they are highly anxious; terrified of being discovered as a fake. So this is not a belief that is worth keeping. Firstly, we need to examine our existing beliefs and work out which ones are detrimental to our self esteem.

Confidence hypnotherapy has been used for many years to assist people to reach their highest potential. “From the moment we are born we learn what to think and feel from our parents and others in authority. Often when we address the low confidence these other symptoms seem to take care of themselves.

But we can all develop confidence. Put simply, it means when we take baby steps towards our goals we gain confidence each time we are able to do something that previously we thought would never be possible. “When you feel good about yourself your life works so much better”, she says. A hypnotherapist can help the adult to unlearn negative behaviours and beliefs and re-learn positive, life-affirming beliefs and behaviours which lead to increased confidence and reduced anxiety”

Sonia also says that real confidence can’t be faked. For example, if you continually say ‘I’m worthless’ then your subconscious mind will produce the situations and circumstances that prove this to be true for you. When you have true self-esteem, you are immune to the criticism or praise from other people. Sonia describes this as ‘systematic desensitisation’. This causes great distress and takes up a lot of energy that could otherwise be used in positive ways. Want to learn more about how to become calmer, feel better about yourself and live a life of purpose? Claim your FREE Hypnosis Download here => Confidence Hypnotherapy

If your lack of confidence is holding you back from enjoying life, contact a skilled therapist who can assist you to move forward. Sonia even goes as far as to say that 70% of the problems her clients present with are caused by low self-esteem or lack of confidence. In Sonia’s words, a person has true self esteem when he sees himself as beneath no-one but above no-one at the same time. Instead, we are told ‘Don’t be conceited. In the first 8 years of a child’s life, he develops a set of core beliefs about himself and the world that can radically affect the outcome of his life. “Problems such as social phobia, anxiety disorder, performance anxiety and stuttering are all linked in some way with low confidence levels. So your happiness is not dependent on what other people think of you.

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