Imagen de avatar Non-standard high strength screw

Costing much less that awhole new book

If you have a standard 19-hole plastic combbinding punch, and have grown weary of non-standard stinless steel screw creating documents with the sameold look, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we are going to tellyou all about Komtrak Inspiral, a new system that increases theelegance, ruggedness, and “edit-ability” of your documents whileenabling you to keep using the plastic comb binding punch that youalready have on hand – or that your local printer certainly does,anyway. Here are a few of the great things about the Komtrak Inspiralsystem.   Attractive. Komtrak Inspiral binding combs giveyour documents and booklets a stylish and contemporary look. Resemblingspiral coil more than plastic comb spines, Komtrak Inspiral uses widering plastic coils that provide a look and feel that is unique andelegant, and there are a wide variety of covers available in may colorsand textures to match your logo, or simply use a clear cover to letyour artwork shine through. All covers are sturdy and waterproof withample overhangs and attractive, rounded corners.

Whether you are creating a permanent book, or one that you want to beable to edit from time to time, the Komtrak Inspiral is just the systemfor you. Editing books that are created in the plastic comb style canbe rather time consuming to remove and add pages to, but the uniqueclasp that the Komtrak Inspiral system uses makes editing a breeze. Oneof the ends of the spine is permanently crimped, while the at the otherend, the aforementioned clasp can be removed whenever you need to addor remove pages.   Multimedia Capable. With theKomtrak Inspiral system, you can use any kind of paper you wish, sideby side, and change and arrange as you see fit, whenever you like. Anykind of paper can be used, from watercolor paper to photo mounting, todry media, and good old pen and ink paper. Use the Komtrak Inspiral tocreate for yourself, your students, or your customers the ultimatejournal, ready to accept any sort of creative burst at any time.   Refill and Reuse.By using Komtrak Inspiral pre-punched refills, you can be green andsave yourself some green at the same time.

Costing much less that awhole new book, you can put your old pages aside while using yourKomtrak Inspiral spine again and again, or create for yourself a”best-of” collection of your finest work. The Komtrak Inspiral is greatfor portfolios, because you can change and update it at any time, andwith minimal effort.   Easy to Use.  Booklets thatare created using Komtrak Inspiral spines open to a full 360 degrees,wrap around completely, and lie flat, all of which makes them extremelyeasy to use and work with. They take up less space on a desk and areperfect for working in the field as well.


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