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The index is calculated based on data

The US embassy compound in Mumbai was next at 166, followed by Hyderabad at 157 and Chennai at 155.This year, Kolkata’s PM2. embassy said the air quality index (AQI) fared the worst at its embassy compound in Kolkata at 175, followed closely by Delhi at 173. The World Health Organi-sation’s threshold is even more stringent. All these fall in the “unhealthy” category which refers to AQI from 151 to 200.“The index is calculated based on data over a 3-12 hour period depending on the variability of particulate concentration,” it said.3.An “unhealthy”AQI indicates increased chances of heart or lung disease and premature death of people with cardiopulmonary issues and the elderly, along with increased respiratory problems in general population.

Particulate matter (or PM2.The findings show that the particulate matter in the air was highest at the US embassy compound in Kolkata at 102 followed by Delhi at 97.“The air quality data collected by the US Mission in India is translated into actionable information by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s NowCast algorithm.S. This algorithm converts raw PM2. AQI is a number used by government agencies to communicate to the public how polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become.Many foreign embassies have installed air purifiers at their compounds in New Delhi, so have their staff, to protect against air pollution-related health problems.

The US embassy website, however, has said “data from a single monitoring station cannot be applied to an entire city”.5 readings into an air quality index value that can help inform health-related decisions,” the embassy said on its website.In its latest periodic findings on air pollution released on Sunday, the U.5) is the sum of all solid and liquid particles suspended in air, many of which are hazardous. “Therefore, air quality data collected at the US Dish washer Mold Manufacturers Embassy and Consulates may differ from other monitors located in the same cities,” it said.The “cautionary” statement indicates that “people with heart or lung disease, older adults and children should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion”.5 count hovered over the Indian threshold


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