Archivos » Categoría ‘Sin categoría’

Stability test chamber: an important tool for precise control of temperature and humidity

Miércoles, mayo 10, 2023

Stability chambers in pharmaceutical is a test equipment used to precisely control temperature and humidity, and is widely used in product quality and reliability tests in electronics, chemical, food, pharmaceutical and other industries. The stability test chamber adopts advanced temperature […]

Possible Causes of Temperature Problems in Laboratory Incubators

Jueves, septiembre 1, 2022

If you need a incubator lab equipment, you’ll undoubtedly be frustrated if it doesn’t work. If your device doesn’t heat up or cool down at all, or doesn’t reach its set temperature, a number of factors could be at play. […]

The best cooling incubator for your laboratory

Jueves, febrero 17, 2022

The biochemical incubator has outstanding functions to ensure the protection and excellence of the customs you want to keep. It can be popular within the job areas of drugstore, chemical substance industry, ecological safety, open public wellness, agriculture, etc. it […]

Constant environmental chamber for pharmaceutical

Viernes, enero 28, 2022

Although drug discovery has received much attention in the pharmaceutical industry, stability also plays an equally important role. Drugs must remain effective and safe for a long time after they leave the production facility. Ensuring this security requires a series […]

Choose the best-scaled environmental chamber

Jueves, noviembre 11, 2021

Advancements in data storage, detectors, accommodating circuit modern technology, 5G, Wireless bluetooth, 3 dimensional publishing, and battery packs are just some of the evolving enhancements in healthcare. This development is powered by buyer require and engineering advancements, producing healthcare far […]

The best cooling laboratory incubator for biomedical

Viernes, octubre 29, 2021

The biochemical incubator has outstanding characteristics so that the safety and excellence of the customs you would like to keep. It is widely used in the job areas of drugstore, chemical market, ecological safety, open public wellness, agriculture, and so […]

¡Ya soy parte de la Comunidad iNGENET!

Viernes, octubre 29, 2021

INGENET es un espacio que te permite crear perfiles, blogs y grupos. Ahora estoy a punto de publicar mi primera entrada en donde hablaré de lo último en ingeniería e infraestructura. ¡Te invito a visitar mi blog!