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When you enter any sort of venue

In any environment or establishment, it is essential that you conduct yourself properly, there are a few places where people seem to forget how they should be acting and become boorish. In strip clubs, there are specific rules for how you should conduct yourself, there are also general good manners. It is important consider the etiquette of the venue and treat dancers with respect at all times, this is a job and dealing with poor manners and bad behavior should not have to go with the territory.

There are also legal issues to contend with, depending on the state or even the municipality the rules between different venues can vary widely, it is important to understand what is acceptable and what isn’t before you find yourself being removed by the ever present security through ignorance of the law. There are China Custom Extension Cords Factory  certain areas where it is forbidden to touch a dancer at all, some may have to remain a minimum of six feet away from customers at all times. Others must remain a regulated distance away when they are naked, the rules should be posted in various locations of a venue so misunderstanding or ignoring is in no way an acceptable excuse.

When you enter any sort of venue for the first time it is important to watch how other people are conducting themselves, if they are placing money on the front of stage away from a dancer then that is what you should do also. The opposite is also true, if money is placed upon a dancer’s person then that is the process you should follow.

Depending on the venue there can be rules for private or lap dances, in this situation where you may not have been able to observe a previous customer it is perfectly acceptable to ask the dancer what is allowed by the club and further, what she personally allows. She will be more than happy to let you know what is within reason and what is forbidden.

Some venues have strict dress codes, especially the more upper class strip clubs in large cities, do not be offended if you are turned away at the door, it is your duty to understand what the dress code maybe and to dress appropriately.


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