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Seasonal allergies can present a bigger challenge than allergies

Grass pollen is in peak production during the summer months, and is the biggest cause of seasonal allergies, resulting in sneezing, wheezing, congestion, hives, itching and skin rashes. You can also have a wide range of known allergens tested against your skin to see what else you may (unluckily) be effected by.

When plants release pollen, those miniscule grains that help flowering plants thrive and reproduce, individuals come into contact with them as they are carried in the air and on the wind, absorbing them into the body through the nose, mouth, skin and lungs, creating an allergic reaction. Doing this activity yourself will really have you after the hankie! As will taking a walk while others mow their lawn. Great excuse for a beach holiday! For the annual vacation, choose the seashore or beach in preference to the mountains for a much lower pollen saturated location. A physician can also prescribe stronger oral or injected medications that will help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergies, minimising the amount of disruption they can cause the individual. In the early morning rain, stay in bed! Since pollen is at its highest levels early in the morning, arrange your schedule accordingly so that you aren’t pursuing chores or exercise activities between 5 a. Here an allergen test can be performed to see if pollen is the exact trigger causing your seasonal allergy symptoms.

Learn from your allergy how to beat your allergy!..But what else can you do to make life more bearable?Purify and shut those windows! Invest in a home and office air purifier that is capable of removing pollen from the air and stay indoors in air conditioned comfort rather than opening the windows to cool down – don’t invite the allergens in! Similarly when driving a car or being a passenger in an automobile, keep the windows rolled up and rely on air conditioning once again (ok you use more petrol but at least you nose isn’t running!).. Temporarily give up your efforts to go green and dry the laundry in a dryer rather than hanging it in the sun to dry, where wind-carried pollen can gather on the material or use a washing machine that uses steam technology to remove allergens like LG washing machines have.

Seasonal allergies can present a bigger challenge than allergies to pet dander and dust mites (which can usually be controlled with air purifiers indoors) and many find themselves in an un-winnable battle throughout the season. and China Electric Plant Mister Suppliers 10 a. You may even find that having leather furniture helps (you, not the animal sadly!) as pollen grains tend to get caught in fabric furnishings, leather does cut this unfortunate occurence out.No Mow! Seasonal allergy sufferers should have a family member or gardener mow the grass throughout the summer in order to avoid exposure to grass pollen. Since pollen is distributed throughout both indoor and outdoor air, it is hard to avoid its’ effects – unless an individual can find a way to live their life sealed inside a bubble (and some have tried.!), some amount of contact with allergy-producing pollen is unavoidable.m. To pin down what exactly effects you, you can visit medical professionals that specialise in allergies.There are certain over the counter medications which can help to control the uncomfortable symptoms of seasonal allergies, but be careful to read the instructions and to avoid driving or heavy machinery while medicated.Seasonal allergies are those which only occur during a certain time of the year and like clockwork, are just waiting to come around again! Pollen from grasses, weeds and trees are usually the culprit in triggering seasonal allergy symptoms in summer


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