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ProcedureThere are different types of uplifts

Avoid underwire bras and clothes that require you to flex your arms. Having a breast uplift can make the breasts firmer and higher. Breasts naturally droop with age, after pregnancy and breastfeeding, and after weight loss. It is not possible to recreate the fibrous support of the breasts, but they can be reshaped by removing extra skin, remodeling the breast tissue and moving the nipples up to the best position on the new breasts.Cost: The cost of the procedure depends upon the requirement of the patient. Do not overexert yourself or be rough with your incisions. The most common type of uplift, with a cut around your areola and vertically under your breast, is shown below. The best type of uplift for you depends on your breast size and the result you want.There are various reasons as to why breasts sag and loose their firmness and elasticity.Breast lifts are preferred by women who want to reshape sagging breasts and improve the contour of the breast shape caused by loss of skin elasticity due to weight loss, pregnancy or breast feeding, increase firmness of breasts, lift and increase breast size, and to reduce size of the areola.

Dont’s: Post surgery, it important to avoid exercise for atleast four to six weeks. Sometimes there is a cut in the crease under the breast to make an anchor shape. Don’t worry, as there is a treatment that will ensure that you look as young as you feel!The breast lift is a procedure for correcting the size, contour and elevation of breasts.ProcedureThere are different types of uplifts. Avoid the intake of salt, smoke and alcohol as this might hinder the healing process. Whichever type of uplift you choose, the scars should not be visible when you wear normal clothing, bras and bikini tops. This is because the skin and fibrous ligaments in the breast become stretched so the breast tissue is not supported.– The writer is a celebrity cosmetic surgeonDisclaimer: Always check with a cosmetic surgeon before going ahead with this procedure. Different types of uplift make different scars on the breasts. After a breast uplift, you may be more comfortable socially and personally.

Do’s: It’s is very important for a patient who has just undergone a breasts lift to follow the instruction given by surgeons, get adequate amount of rest, ask for help if one experiences any complications, take the medicines prescribed, attend post-operative appointments, drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy food. The best results are with women with small, saggy breasts, but breasts of any size can be lifted.There are various reasons as to why breasts  sag and loose their firmness and elasticity. A picture of Miranda Kerr used for representational purposes only In an age where Eyeliner Tubes appearance is key, sagging breasts are a let down. Other options are to reduce the size of the areola (the darker skin around the nipple), or to have the breasts enlarged at the same time. Extra skin is removed from underneath the breast, the breast is reshaped into a tighter cone and the nipples are moved to a higher level. The size of the areola can also be reduced.. Some of the reasons can be due to gravity, pregnancy and weight fluctuations.

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