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The part of the brain that controls the animals

The part of the brain that controls the animals response to that fear, the medial prefrontal cortex, was found to be bigger.Lead researcher and PhD student Irene Brusini said, “We observed three profound differences between the brains of wild and domestic rabbits.Pet rabbits also had less white matter, which limits their information processing abilities, making them slower to react.Scientists at Uppsalla University in Sweden raised domestic and wild rabbits in similar conditions and used high-resolution MRI scanners to study how domestication affected their brains.Due to their history of being are hunted by eagles, hawks, foxes and humans, they must remain alert and reactive to survive in the wild.Results showed that domestication has had a major effect, with the amygdala, the area that senses fear, smaller in domestic rabbits.In contrast to domestic rabbits, wild rabbits have a very strong flight response.

Pet rabbits are less afraid of contacts with humans, thanks to major differences in their brains, revealed advanced imaging scans. Secondly, domestic rabbits have a reduced amygdala and an enlarged medial prefrontal cortex.”The full findings of the study were published in the journal PNAS.Researchers found alterations in regions involves Wholesale Smart Pet Fountain in their response to fear, the amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex.. Thirdly, we noticed a generalised reduction in white matter structure in domestic rabbits.A new study finds that domesticating rabbits has changed the structure of their brains so that they process fear completely differently to wild ones. Firstly, wild rabbits have a larger brain-to-body size ratio than domestic rabbits.


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