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Try and make use of digital screens mostly for work-related

Exercise your eyes frequently: Owing to the increased exposure in front of computer screens and mobile phones, it is quite likely for a lot of people to experience irritation or blurred vision on a daily basis.In the midst of a brimming professional life, one often forgets how prolonged periods in front of a computer, tablet or mobile phone can be detrimental to his/her eyesight, thereby leading to blurry vision. Keep away your smartphones and tablets before bedtime rather than staring at those screens in the dark.-Get a comprehensive eye test done: If youre witnessing recurrent headaches, watery eyes and blurred vision, then it is time for you to get a comprehensive eye examination done. Position the computer screen in a way that it reduces reflections from windows or overhead lights. Keep bright lighting overhead to a minimum, use blinds to prevent glare or get a glare screen. Gowri Kulkarni, Head of Operations at DocsApp, an online doctor consultation app:-Be cautious of your screen time: Reduce digital eye strain by making use of screen time wisely. Try and make use of digital screens mostly for work-related purposes. Wear them regularly if youre constantly glued to the digital screens.

As per a recent study conducted by the Bank of America, a troubling trend has been witnessed worldwide, where people turn on their cell phones from the moment they are up in the morning and continue their tryst with digital screens till the time they are off to bed. To avoid these eye problems, practice a few simple eye exercises like eye rolling, repeated blinking and focusing on a distant object to give some respite to your strained eyes. Do not forget to inform your ophthalmologist about the duration of computer use at the office and at home.-Use appropriate glasses: There are computer glasses specifically designed to reduce eye strain, headaches, eye fatigue, and eye soreness.-Ensure there is good lighting: Good lighting is essential at the workplace to avoid visual strain. It is also important to take measures to prevent glare, shadow and reflection caused by external sources of light, as these can contribute China LED Back-Up Lights Manufacturers to eye strain. While the complete boycott of gadgets isnt plausible, here are some useful tips to maintain healthy eyesight, as per Dr.-The 20-20-20 rule: As per the rule, in every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away.

Rearrange your desk: If you are using a desktop at work home, ensure that the monitor is slightly below eye level and about 20 to 28 inches away from your face.-Adjust your screen settings: If the current settings of your laptop or desktop are causing eye strain, then adjust the screen brightness, contrast, and font size until you find whats best for you.. This will not only reduce eye strain but will also keep you active throughout your schedule. Ensure that you do not have to stretch your neck or strain your eyes to look at the screen. These eyeglasses are able to filter out blue light emitted from the computers, smartphones and tablets.Experts believe that one of the reasons for this could be the development of a condition known as the Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).Victims of this ailment often complain of blurred vision, tired eyes, headaches, neck pain and dry eyes. However, the increased interaction with digital screens has resulted in CVS, a condition that damages the eyesight and leads to vision-related problems from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and mobile phone use.

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