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R134 refrigerant tube of our work and our achievements

SELF-VALUATION TIP 1 – This is going to sound a little funny but this really works.Now that you’ve taken the time to explore the many ways that you help people grow their businesses you need to change your way of thinking from “Why should clients use me?” to “How can clients not afford to use me?” Take the time to read through all the positive feedback you have received in tip 1 and everything else will be easy. This occurs when you have not adequately established your self-worth and can be easily avoided.Funnily enough, your clients have the capacity to feel equally squeamish on the topic.(1) Give a better service (2) Share more of your knowledge and resources (3) Offer different levels of service ie.Answer these questions:(1) In what way do I improve my clients’ successes? (2) What do my clients get from me? (3) What do my clients get from doing business with me?Now is not the time to be shy.If you’re able to show that what you offer your clients is worth way more than what you charge you will always find clients willing to pay for your services.That will put far more money in your bank account in the long term than being stubborn over a few hundred dollars in the short term, don’t you think? . You need to sell your value and your worth to yourself first before you can sell it to anyone else. You could appear anywhere from message boards, articles, testimonials, reviews, recommendations, etc. Remember that if you price yourself too low your clients won’t think you have anything valuable to offer.Even better, type up your name and your business name in a search engine online and find out what others have to say about you. So set a few minutes aside and look at your achievements and successes as a result of your hard work.Reach a happy medium by being priced high enough to build a perceived value in your service but low enough so that you don’t price yourself altogether out of the market. You need to dig real deep because all too often Refrigerant charging pipe we forget the real value R134 refrigerant tube of our work and our achievements.Let’s face it, there’s one time when the topic of money makes many business owners squirm and that’s when they have to discuss money with their clients.Exceed your clients’ expectations by adding value to your services. It is not up to your clients to pay for any financial messes you have created along the way, so make your reasons for needing money realistic and honest. If you price yourself too high your clients may be worried that they won’t receive value for money.It is critical to charge a fair price for your services because if you don’t you as a business owner will feel underpaid and this will lead to feelings of resentment and impact on your business relationships.Bear in mind that you should earn good money for good work and that does not include making your clients pay for your past mistakes. And this could ultimately lead to their destruction.Be generous and open-minded enough to realise that clients, like you, do experience financial difficulties at times and if they cannot afford your current level of service then consider offering them the parts of your service that they can afford.After all, a client is much better in your pocket than in your competitors’ and if you take the time to prove your worth then they may very well stay for life. Basic, medium and premium so that your clients cover a range of demographics (4) Offer joint venture promotions with other consultantsOnce you start writing the list you may have trouble stopping :O).If after this simple process discussing money with your clients still makes you feel awkward then think about the signals you are transmitting and demonstrate that you are open on the topic of money and it will become less of an issue for you. If you’re not sure of your worth your clients will pick up on this and their value perceptions of you will diminish – and so will your fees.SELF-VALUATION TIP 2 – Now you need to put a real dollar figure on what you think is a fair fee for your service. Think of ways that you could offer higher priced services by adding more value.Ask for feedback from your clients; request testimonials from past clients; and talk to friends and associates about what they get as a result of doing business with you.So how much are you really worth and how do you ensure that you get it?How you come across to your clients will pre-determine exactly how many zeros you can happily ask for on your invoices


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