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How To Create Your Own Couch Cushions: A Surprisingly Simple and Satisfying DIY Project

Through the course of daily use, the couches we love to relax on take quite the beating. Over time, their cushions become much less… cushiony. At a certain point, all foam seating materials will lose their resiliency, and couches are no different. Ordering replacement cushions is a simple and easy process, as companies take old, potato-sack-looking cushions and return to you supportive, full cushions in a week or two. But for people who enjoy the challenge of a do-it-yourself project or are trying to save a few dollars, creating your own cushions is also surprisingly doable when armed with the right materials and a little bit of information. Before you let the specter of a fabrication project intimidate you, know that if you’ve ever used a ruler, performed simple addition or sliced a loaf of bread, you already have all the skills you need to create your own cushion.

The first step in DIY home projects is gathering materials, and for making your own Bean bag manufacturers  this means ordering the foam. To do that, you’ll need to measure the greatest length and width across the empty cushion cover, seam to seam, with an extra inch added to each. This will provide leeway when ordering and trimming your foam without leaving you with tons of scrap. To measure thickness of a foam-only cushion, measure the edge seam when stretched taut, from top to bottom. If the measurement exceeds a whole inch increment by 1/4 of an inch or less, round your thickness down to the closest whole inch. If it is more than 1/4 of an inch over, round up. This will be the final thickness of your cushion, so make sure to measure carefully. Armed with these measurements and the number of cushions you plan to make, contact a foam supplier or upholstery shop and they should be able to help you figure out just how much foam you need for your order and which foam type is best for you.

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