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The kingdom had provided proof

The kingdom had provided proof that Iran had sponsored the attack. The attack was claimed by Iran-backed Water Filled Barrier Manufacturers Houthi rebels.A total of 18 drones and seven missiles were launched, including what he called Iranian Delta Wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).”Iran sees what the Yemenis have done as defensive measures taken by the legitimate Yemeni government,” Iranian Foreign Ministrys spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, said at a briefing.Tehran: Iran on Monday defended the Houthis attack on Saudis oil facilities and said that the strikes were the “defensive measures” by Yemens “legitimate” government.However, Iran has repeatedly denied allegations. Many European powers, the United States had also blamed Iran.On September 18, Saudi Arabia had said that strikes on its oil infrastructure were originated from “north” and were “unquestionably” sponsored by Iran.Tensions in the region surged following the attack on Saudi oil facilities on September 14.


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