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Some vested interests are still at it

It&nut insert Company039;s just bravado of the ill-advised to talk of action.”Some vested interests are still at it.R K Singh, the Ara MP who had accused the party of giving tickets to people with criminal background, was recently summoned by BJP general secretary Ramlal, triggering the speculation that the party may take some disciplinary action against some leaders. They must satisfy the real stalwarts/veterans of BJP. refusing to learn any lessons, still working on creating misunderstandings through misinformation.BJP MP says no one has the ‘guts or DNA’ to tick him off BJP leader Shatrughan Sinha (Photo: PTI/File) BJP MP says no one has the ‘guts or DNA’ to tick him off Patna: Launching a stinging attack at the BJP leadership, sulking MP Shatrughan Sinha on Wednesday said those with “vested interests” are refusing to learn lessons from the Bihar debacle and asserted that no one has the guts or DNA to tick him off, an apparent dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi..He also supported the demand made by the party veterans, including L K Advani, for fixing accountability, saying the “camouflage” of collective responsibility is unacceptable and that the responsibility must be fixed on individuals for corrective actions. end-of Location: India, Bihar, Patna.The Lok Sabha MP ridiculed any move to take action against him over his criticism of the party, saying it was just bravado of the ill-advised to talk of action. The time is for reaction, understanding, apology and satisfaction of party godfathers,” he said.His DNA barb is an apparent reference to Modi’s DNA dig # at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar who had made it a major campaign issue in the Bihar assembly election. R K Singh, former Home Secretary and a proud Bihari Sher (a tough nut to crack), is right. No one has the guts (or DNA) to give us a ‘fatkaar’,” he tweeted.The former Union minister has also been effusive in his praise of Kumar, who led the grand alliance of JD(U)-RJD- Congress to a massive victory.”Those responsible for the debacle must answer what, why, where and how it all happened.Sinha has been critical of the BJP since Bihar poll campaign took off but had been so far guarded in his attack on the top brass, bringing instead the state leadership in his line of fire.


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