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This makes it postmodern sort of art

Each is different from another and will be revealed on the day of the exhibition,” concludes an excited Sajid. I used a five feet circular table, huge can for the nose, eyes from huge utensils, so on and so forth,” recalls Sajid.On the deformed faces, Sajid started placing motion clips for  lips. So when you press the nose it makes a squishy noise,” chuckles Sajid.The artist, for whom a face comes to mind only after assembling the material, credits his ability to turn any waste into a body part to his years of practice that he can now spot a nose in a random object. I liked how people create different pieces and not just faces. He says, “My work is about freedom of expression. Taking that forward, I wanted to make something that is more interesting,” says the 28-year-old. “When I look at a piece of trash, I figure out the pigment of a body part. “I was commissioned to do something on the city.With over 7,000 followers on Instagram, he derives immense joy in people sending him stories of the art they create out of trash.” Up next is another nut insert Company twisty art exhibition of animated creatures called Amygdala Anomalies.And so, Sajid found a way to recycle trash by infusing an attractive element to it — thereby turning a mere object into art. “I found these lip clips online and incorporated them in the installation. And having created over 50 pieces so far, Sajid is proud of his installation at Sassoon Dock. However, there is something unusual about these faces — they’re rather deformed. And this art changed Sajid’s perspective. He started off making these faces with trash from just outside his house and then moved on to larger areas — selecting items from a dump yard.

This makes it postmodern sort of art,” he says. A self-taught visual artist, he saw the urgency for waste management. The Navi Mumbaikar explains the origin behind his art form. “My whole inquiry changed towards creating this kind of art. I chose to show the city through its trash.”Once I found a squishy toy that used for a nose. I use a mobile screen or an iPad to put the video on.Recycled artworks by SajidThe graphic designer, who loves working on portraits, believes a face is enough to express feelings in place of the entire body made. “This, in a way, comes from Dadaism art movement.And recently, he conducted a workshop called Born Free, propagating the ideology of exploring a new side of self. It was an anti-art movement, where people wanted to break away from the beautification of paintings towards something that is by definition ugly, but can still be called art. Sajid helping participants at Born Free workshop Given a plate, glass, clip, few bottle caps and nut bolts, what could one possibly make? Artist Sajid Wajid Shaikh will build a face with these. And so, Sajid found a way to recycle trash by infusing an attractive element to it — there by turning a mere object into art.  end-of Tags: musicians, instagram, artist sajid wajid shaikh, postmodern, born free. But when I visited a dump yard, I realised that we aren’t getting rid of our trash by just dumping it out of the house — it is still around us,” he says. “I have made animated drawings of creatures and given it to 14 different musicians, who have given music to them. If I have to put a nose, I will look for a red coloured handle or something similar,” he shares. Initially, making faces out of daily objects was just fun


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