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It was during the making of Njavalpazhangal

“I shot the film in the first China Commercial Air Conditioners trimester.Each of her films has been milestones in her personal life as well. WCC instills great confidence in women who dream film; I am glad about the change,” says Jeeva.As the two children in Njavalpazhangal (jamun) play, run around and pose innocent queries to elders, one can’t help but notice the underlying politics of racism discussed throughout the short film.J.”The role of WCC is huge in bringing that change, I believe. That little dark girl who was denied the role of Mother India for her skin colour is me. That bride who is judged for her colour is everywhere around,” says Jeeva, whose second work and first feature film — Richter Scale 7.6, she came to know that she was pregnant. The theme, like the title, lets the audience experience a sweet-and-sour taste — of innocence and conditioning. And three days before the shooting of Richter Scale 7.6 — won her the award for the best debutant director at Noida International Film Festival. though people refuse to admit that there is racism.

It was during the making of Njavalpazhangal that Jeeva met music composer Nisanth, whom she married straight after the wrap up of the shooting. The doctor had advised bed rest, but for me, it was now or never,” recalls Jeeva, who is now the proud mom of seven-month-old Samudra Jeeva Nisanth. Nothing much is spoken, the expressions in the kids’ eyes and the imagery unfold the narrative.” After getting Censor clearance, the 72-minute film is expected to be screened at many more film festivals and theatres soon. From two siblings fighting for a black toy cat, the short film progresses to one of them getting ‘convinced’ that black is unlucky and evil and finally, throwing the toy away. Asked why, director Jeeva K. My path was easier as I had a strong support group comprising friends and my partner; not many have such a strong backing. “It’s about a man and his son, both Kolam Thullal artistes, whose lives get affected by displacement.Belonging to the new crop of young women filmmakers who defy clichéd story-telling patterns and themes, Jeeva finds the industry more welcoming to women in the recent times. reasons that it’s a slice of reality.  Richter Scale 7.6, she says, deals with displacement and ecological issues. Why black?”The question she posed in her soft voice hit a raw nerve for sure; it was greeted by applause. “In public conscience, black is always connected with inferiority, ugliness, impurity, sadness, etc.Njavalpazhangal discusses the politics of colour.”All those are experiences — mine and of many I know. Whenever an unfortunate incident happens, people first react by ‘blackening’ their profile photos. The claps were for the subtle politics hidden in innocent conversations in the short film — how children acquire prejudices and start unlearning virtues and slowly be part of social conditioning.


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