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It can increase labor productivity several times to dozens of times

Hold it with your hand during operation. The power of professional tools is larger to facilitate the professionals to reduce the workload. Observe the reversing spark. The general household tools are relatively small due to the smaller engineering and relatively small workload, so the input of the tool The power does not need to be large. Most power tools are designed for professionals. According to reports, in the next ten  fifteen years, the world’s sales of electric tools will grow at an annual rate of 5%.

Generally, the difference between professional and general household tools is in power. The nameplate parameters of the tool should be consistent with the CCC certificate. The appearance of the tool should be uniform in color, and the surface of the plastic parts should have no obvious shadows and dents, no scratches or bumps, and the assembly misalignment between the shell parts should be ≤0.You should not feel any abnormal vibration in your hand.

To Purchase items: The whole machine The surface should be free of oil and stains. In order to confirm whether the tool is equipped with an effective radio interference suppressor.5mm, and the aluminum castings should be smooth and beautiful without defects. The annual production and sales volume accounts for 35% of China’s power tools.  There should be a traceable batch number onChina Automobile Parts Casting manufacturers the nameplate or certificate. And enter the family in large numbers.

The manual should have the detailed address and contact information of the manufacturer and the manufacturer.The reversing spark should not exceed level 3/2, generally from the air inlet of the tool.  Compared with manual tools, it can increase labor productivity several times to dozens of times; it is more efficient than pneumatic tools, has low cost and is easy to control. Power tools are a kind of ‘low-value consumables’


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