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It involves a minimally invasive procedure with a small cut

February 20, 2021 por daiinainerly

The new-age silicone implants are high-grade implants, meant especially to enhance the chest of men. The latest trend in the male beauty department is chest augmentation. The surgery is usually done during the day..The new-age customised silicone implant helps build […]

We now have a window on the molecular-scale activities

February 6, 2021 por daiinainerly

The organs-on-chips “stand to significantly reduce the need for animal testing by providing a faster, less expensive, less controversial and accurate means to predict whether new drug compounds will be successful in human clinical trials,” the university said in a […]

The propulsion of intestinal contents is controlled by millions

January 26, 2021 por daiinainerly

This powerful combination of techniques applied to a guinea pig colon identified several distinct neural mechanisms involved in the propulsion of colonic contents.Washington: For the first time, new insights into how the colon functions and actually expels its contents have […]

The Corrosion Resistant Fin helps to protect the outdoor heat

January 15, 2021 por daiinainerly

The eco-friendly R32 refrigerant is more efficient in its operation which leads to faster cooling, lower carbon emissions and thus lower energy costs. R32 has a very low GWP of 675 and zero ODP and is F-Gas phase down compliant […]

His blood pressure has been stabilised with medical management

January 5, 2021 por daiinainerly

twitter. Karunanidhi, 94, was admitted in the Intensive Care Unit of Kauvery Hospital at 1:30 am. They were chanting “long live Thalaivar” . The hospital in a statement said he was brought there after his blood pressure dropped. A few days […]