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Pure drinkable water is something we can take for granted

Pure drinkable water is something we can take for granted in our daily lives. However, when going camping, water that is drinkable should be one of the foremost things to think about. That clear, natural-looking water rushing down the creek may look clean, but could very well harbor dangerous micro-organisms that could put a swift end to that camping trip. Protozoa such as cryptosporidium and giardia, as well as many other parasitic eggs and larvae can cause sickness. A quality camping water filter is a definite must-have item to Wholesale Sludge Filter Bags Manufacturers avoid sickness, and to ensure a safe camping experience. Here are some tips on finding one:1. Don’t lowball it! Portable water filters range from $25 to over $300. A good rule of thumb is to spend at least $50 on your water filter. At this price range, you will be well protected. It is not worth risking your health to save a little money.2. Pore-size counts. Find a filter that has a pore-size efficiency of less than 0.4 microns – small enough to filter out any potentially harmful bacteria.3. Make sure it is easy to clean. Some water filtration units are unnecessarily complicated. Find one that is easy to clean and you won’t regret it later.4. Ensure that you can easily find filter replacements. Filters will always get clogged up. This is a good thing because it means it is doing its job. Over time, however, they will just plain stop filtering.5. Think portable. When hiking orChina Wholesale Sludge Filter Bags Manufacturers travelling, a smaller water filter will be easier to carry.If you have an upcoming camping trip, please remember that drinking water is one of the most important things to think about. A high quality camping water filter is essential to an enjoyable and safe time in the great outdoors.

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