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The pressure machine assembly is used for the cooperation of the proliferation

The cooling agent used in the cold is liquid nitrogen (the cooling temperature can reach -190 ~ 195 ° C), the liquid ammonia (the cooling temperature can reach -120 ° C), and the dried ice and alcohol (the cooling temperature reaches -75 ° C). You can use lubricating oil to heat in the heating box, or heated with steam, electric heating, etc.

Put the semi -chip couplet on the shaft according to the size of the axis, measure the actual (composition) China Half Shaft manufacturers element of the axis and the hole, and draw the terminal position line in accordance with regulations.When the primer is large, the temperature difference method is used to match the pressure machine assembly. Then put on the bolt and prepare the same axis adjustment.

The pressure machine assembly is used for the cooperation of the proliferation. The temperature difference method is to heat the holes (semi -chip couplet), and then install it on the shaft. You can also use the cooling shaft to make the diameter smaller, and then assemble the upper shaft.

Note: When the semi -connected shaft is equipped with a shaft installation, it must comply with the provisions of the equipment technical document or construction acceptance specifications, and maintain a certain end -facial gap, but the end surface of the rigid convex edge shaft device is not allowed.

Hammer strike method, for smaller size and gap. First apply the lubricating oil to the top, put the key in the key slot, so that the half -chip couplet can be put into the shaft on the form, and push it with a hammer to strike (should be hit in the middle panel) until the terminal position is installed. During the assembly, you can make a depth mark on the neck according to the size of the coupling to avoid excessive loading.When using oil to heat the heat, the oil and fire should beolate DUI to prevent fire


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