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We may be able to call these big two energy supplement systems in one same name

The three energy supplement systems of body are going to have different proportions of supplying energy, when people are taking different kinds of movements. There will be high or low abilities for supplying energy. In addition, they are also able to make decisions for the high or low capacities are for different movements and stamina.
The metabolism foundations are about the speed and the strength.
There will be big power output in a short time, which is the feature for the speed and the strength. It is a guarantee for main energy sources, which comes form the system of phosphate energy supplement and glycols energy supplements.
We may be able to call these big two energy supplement systems in one same name, which is the anaerobic metabolism system. That is to say, there is no need for the metabolism energy supply of oxygen system.
The phosphate energy supplement system are here.
We could offer another name for ATP, which is the adenosine. We are able to call CP the phosphate. The ATP and the CP are able to release energies by the transportation of high energy phosphate groups and the hydrolysis in the course of energy metabolism.
Generally speaking, the ATP and the CP are able to consist of one kind of material of high energy phosphate and we call them the phosphate. The processes for ATP and CP to release the energy and to have synthesis again and again are able to call phosphate or ATP-CP energy supply system.
ATP is the donor of energy in the body temporally. So it is not able to the form of the storage for the switching power adapers Factory energy. When we are going on the trainings or exercise, the ATP of the muscle could supply energy directly with the decomposition. It is the key step for the energy metabolism in the body.
Therefore, we could say that the ATP is the only energy substances for putting into use for supporting all movements of lives directly. In this way, there will be name for ATP, which is the “money” of the energy flow. The ATP hydrolysis has the reactions of releasing the energy, which is able to supply all kinds of processes which are needing energies with energies. So that we could accomplish various kinds of functions about physiology.
For example, there are muscle contractions, bioeletricty activities, physical synthesis and keeping body temperature and so on.
The decrease for the decomposition of ATP and the increase for the ADP in the muscles are able to activate CK rapidly. What is more, there is ability for CK to catalyze CP in order to supply energy. After that it will compose ATP again.


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