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A person’s facial appearance is also affected by dietary choices

Your saggy facial appearance has been getting you down lately and you’ve been dreaming of getting a face lift. But where will you find the time? Individuals who work full time often just can’t take the time off for a full fledged surgical procedure. Luckily, there are ways to create a more youthful appearance without taking a month long sabbatical. Thanks to the ongoing technological advancement within the plastic surgical and dermatological worlds, there are several options for individuals who want to look younger during their lunch hours. Here are some things to think about.-Laser resurfacing: There are two different kinds of lasers that can take care of wrinkles non-surgically. They are:oAblative: This type takes off surface layers of your skin.oNonablative: This one is considered to be non-wounding. It is designed to amp up collagen production and to create more tautness in the underlying layers of skin.

Chemical peels: During a chemical peel, a doctor will paint an acidic solution over your face which causes the upper wrinkled layer to slough off. When the new layer appears, it should be fresher and less damaged.-Botox: Botox injections have long been a favorite youth elixir. In fact, it has become so popular that individuals have Botox parties where everyone leaves the party looking less wrinkled. This medication is the miracle drug of our generation. It stops the message between the nerve and muscle in the facial region, allowing crows’ feet and laugh lines to relax.-Fillers: Fillers such as collagen and Restylane are designed to fill in wrinkled indentations. They are injected to create softer, plumper and less haggard appearances.-Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion is performed with a rotary abrasive tool that planes away the top layer of wrinkled dermis. It is similar to the chemical peel in that it removes the damaged portion and allows a fresher layer to grow in upon healing.-Microdermabrasion: As its name suggests, this technique is similar to dermabrasion except that it is a micro or minimized version. This process utilizes crystals and a vacuuming devise to resurface the face.-Lunch choices: A person’s facial appearance is also affected by dietary choices. Since we’re thinking about lunch time, you’re probably hungry.

You might want to consider selecting foods and beverages that will contribute to your skin’s health. Choices such as avocados, cottage cheese, almonds, mangos and the purest beverage of all, water, will all take years off of your face without a scalpel. -The classic facelift: While a facelift isn’t possible on your lunch break, sometimes your sagginess and facial appearance has gone too far to settle for anything else. Red flags that it may be time to book a sabbatical from work to go under the scalpel include droopy cheeks, Eco-friendly lunch box saggy jowls and an overall haggardness on the lower 75% of your face.If you’re ready to create a more youthful looking appearance, consider some quick rejuvenation tactics such as laser resurfacing, chemical peels, Botox, fillers, dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. Eating right will also help. But when push comes to shove, it may be time to put a request in for time off work to get a tried-and-true face lift.


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