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We have exploited the nature for ages

We tried to put the watershed management method in place to deal with the water crisis and help improve the groundwater level.”Every single day, I feel like I should have done more. We should find an alternative and find a solution to this. Young India should take initiative, and we must also take care of our farmers,” Jackie says. When we speak of plastic bags, straws, and cutlery, these are three items that we, as citizens, can absolutely get rid off. So please do it as it is our responsibility.Many even work at the grassroots level and show their fans their passion through action. We keep reading about global warming and it is all because of climate change. A lot of people tell me that it is really good that I am a part of this campaign and that I am taking out time for it, but it’s nothing long handled plastic ice cream spoons special. The actress and her mother Tanuja participated in Tanishaa’s tree plantation drive in the city. We have a voice and we have to use it for the right reasons. Jackie Shroff Gone are the days when actors only used politics as a means of encouraging change in the society.”I have read somewhere that one human being is equivalent to seven trees. You don’t have to plant trees in your house, but go out and look for places where you can do it, and go ahead.KajolKajol and her sister Tanishaa have taken responsibility to spread awareness about environmental issues. It’s just never enough, but we all should try to do our bit,” the actress adds. And when we all have the opportunity to help by planting more trees, why not do it,” the actress opines. We now have to think about the coming generation; even my Tiger will have a small Tiger, so let’s think about them and do it. We have to do something. We all owe the earth something.Shraddha KapoorShraddha Kapoor may be busy with professional commitments, but she has been earning praise for her stand against the felling of trees at Aarey Colony.”We don’t want so many trees to be cut down, and we really hope our voice reaches to the right people who can stop this from happening.Aamir Khan”Several regions in the state barely receive rainfall.

We have exploited the nature for ages, and now it is time that we take care of our environment and try our best not to harm it any more.Dia Mirza”You have to keep reminding the people who work with you why it’s important to follow such practices.From Maharashtra’s water shortage to tree felling in the Aarey colony, Actors are using their voice to bring attention to environmental issues. I have read a beautiful line that ‘If trees had WiFi, everybody would be planting them right left and centre’. I don’t think it’s a big deal. Nevertheless, their message is the same: People should take initiatives to save the environment for the coming generations.”I have not done any favours by planting trees all around, it’s everyone’s duty to do so. We are the only ones who will feel the effects of damaging it,” the actor says, adding that Maharashtra faces drought every year. She urges everyone to stop using plastic and become more responsible citizens. It cannot be ‘either-or’. The actor has often urged people to volunteer, work in the villages and do shramdaan (social work). I don’t feel like there will ever be a point where anybody can feel satisfied when it comes to making a change for the environment, because we all know it is the need of the hour.”The problem is that we have successfully convinced the world that environmentalism is obstructionism. Over 150 talukas in Maharashtra fall under the drought-prone category. We researched for 6-8 months, and went around villages, trying to understand the problem, the steps currently being taken, and the efforts that still need to be made. They may not be as convenient, but if one considers the impact of plastic on the environment and our health, it should compel us to make wiser and responsible choices,” Dia further explains. Everything is interconnected and interdependent,” she opines. Be it appearances at beach clean-ups or social media campaigns, more and more actors are turning into activists and are using their social media platforms to speak up about pressing issues that surround the current state of environment. Environmentalism is pro-humanity, pro-equality and pro-progress.Dia MirzaDia Mirza, who is the UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador for India, never misses a chance to speak about our mother earth.Aamir KhanDespite being one of the most powerful and busiest Khans in the industry, Aamir Khan is closely associated with Paani Foundation, an NGO that works in drought management in Maharashtra. It is one of the most normal things that we all should be doing,” says Shraddha about the issue. The whole team of Satyamev Jayate became a part of the Paani Foundation,” Aamir further notes. The Ram Lakhan actor, who recently attended a tree plantation drive, feels that it’s everybody’s responsibility to do so. I, personally, feel there is so much I want to do, whether it is for the environment, human rights, women’s rights or animal rights.Jackie ShroffThe veteran actor, who is still quite busy with his professional commitments, actively participates in different initiatives, especially pertaining to the environment


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