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Most merchants quotations are not clear until noon

Most merchants’ quotations are not clear until noon. In terms of steel mills, the production of Shaogang ’s “second high line” has been suspended since last month. In terms of rebar, the market price of Ф18-25mm specifications for Shaogang and Guangzhou Steel is about 4,300 yuan / ton, the resources of the same specifications for cold steel and Pinggang are priced at about 4280 yuan / ton, and the market price of resources in Zhuhai Yuegang specifications is about 4230 yuan / ton.5-10mm high wire in Pinggang and Zhuhai Yuegang is about 4320 yuan / ton..

‘ Shan Shanghua pointedly pointed out that the choice of this pricing model is that the mine aims to push up the price And to seek short-term profiteering, and this kind of profiteering will bring imbalances between industries, which is also bad for mines in the long run. And said that this year will not be changed for such quarterly pricing. Quarterly pricing model. The representatives of the three major mines appeared with confident smiles on their faces. Mr. Warwicksith, Managing Director of Rio Tinto’s iron ore sales and marketing, strongly supports the current flexible pricing model..

The core of the current pricing model change is not the quarter but the index. ‘The quarterly pricing model of iron ore index is their discriminatory approach to Chinese steel mills. First, the CIF spot price of iron ore in China is not representative, which only accounts for 20% of the total import volume. Shan Shanghua’s analysis pointed out that there are three variables affecting the fairness of index pricing. ‘If it is simply shortening the pricing time, it should still be regarded as a long-term association. These have many problems and lack of representativeness. Second, the fluctuation of sea freight rates.On the 28th, an international seminar on China’s steel raw materials was held. Third, Quality premium.

This meeting, which was once considered to be the sign of the start of iron ore negotiations, in the consistent ‘commendation’ of foreign mines, the leaders of Chinese wholesale power cable manufacturers steel mills used silence to indicate the index against iron ore.’ Shan Shanghua, secretary general of the China Iron and Steel Industry Association, accused the seemingly fair monopoly of the three major mines


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