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Many people have misconceptions related to what an air purifier

Many people have misconceptions related to what an air purifier can and cannot do.All air purifiers work more or less the same:All purifiers are different; they differ in sizes and according to their filters. To eliminate odour, one needs air purifiers with activated carbon filters as HEPA filters do not kill odours. The air pollution levels in a room are three times worse than outdoors because of the smoke from cooking, incense sticks, pet dander, dead skin, and dust particles. Air conditioning has got nothing to do with air purification as it is ineffective against dust and pollen. However, certain latest models of ACs are based on filtration systems, but what we need to Diaphragm Pistion Brake Chamber Wedge Factory remember is that filters are not able to purify the air in a holistic manner, while they may trap the dust particles and pet dander, but they cannot eliminate mold spores, bad smell, and other harmful substances. So there is no way air purifiers can replace dusting and cleaning. So, if you too are thinking of buying an air purifier, then Kishalay Ray, President of Consumer Electronics Division at Sharp Business Systems, India, will clear the common myths associated with air purifiers.

Besides, there are also holistic technologies such as Plasmacluster Ion technology, which offers a holistic air purification solution, they remove pollutants such as PM 2.If you have an AC, you don’t need an air purifier: Air conditioning and air purification are two different concepts, while an AC just circulates dirty air, a purifier eliminates harmful particles and odours.97 per cent of all particles larger than 0.Air purifiers are useless unless they come with an indicator or sensor: Indicators and sensors are just superfluous distractions; the real effect of air purifiers is felt in the long run. If you buy an air purifier today and expect to see a difference immediately, then you are mistaken. HEPA-based air purifiers are most effective at trapping airborne particles, but they do not remove odours, gases, and chemical fumes, which is why most HEPA purifiers have some amount of activated carbon to absorb the odours and gases. Gradually, pollutants such as pollens, oil, pet dander, mould, and dust mites settle on the filter and hamper with the efficiency of AQI monitors. You’ll need a good vacuum cleaner and an air purifier to clear your house of allergens. An air purifier is a purification solution and should be user-friendly, quiet, sturdy and have a good filter.A good air purifier should remove odour: Not all air purifiers get rid of odours and harmful gases.


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