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The first step in designing a custom shoe tree is choosing the proper size

abril 6, 2022 por a

The first step in designing a custom shoe tree is choosing the proper size. You will need to ensure that the shoe tree is large enough to fit the shoes in question. This can be done by using a shoe […]

A Wood Shoe Stretcher Can Make Your Shoes More Comfortable

febrero 14, 2022 por a

A wooden Shoe Stretcher can be used to gently stretch the width and length of shoes. It helps to make the shoes more comfortable by extending the toe box and heel. The device is gentler on the shoe, and eliminates […]

Cedar Shoe Stretcher

enero 11, 2022 por a

A cedar shoe stretcher is a great tool to keep your shoes in good condition. It can help you avoid foot aches by cedar shoe stretcher restoring the shape of your shoes. These tools are very easy to use and can […]

Foot circumference of shoe last

diciembre 15, 2021 por a

The height of the back of the tongue-shaped shoe is 25.5%-26% of the foot length, and the design positioning accounts for 23%-24% of the foot length. Because the tongue-type front upper has a length and a short, the rear seam […]